30th Anniversary of Doradca
There are no big celebrations but the fact itself is worth mentioning: Doradca was established exactly thirty years ago. Since that time, we have completed almost three thousand consulting assgnments, using talents of tens (or to be more precise: hundreds) of employees and collaborators. We would like to say 'thank you' to all of them. And we go back to work, as usual.
Inne aktualności
- 20.01.2025 - New address of Doradca
- 15.09.2023 - Nowy Port 2030+. Large PPP project announced in Gdańsk
- 30.06.2023 - Modernization of the Polonia Stadium in Warsaw
- 02.11.2022 - Amphitheater in the PPP model - market consultations
- 27.05.2021 - Doradca at the Castle
- 28.03.2018 - INFODORADCA+ Project for the Ministry of Labour
- 12.12.2017 - Loving Vincent - our contribution
- 02.10.2015 - 30th Anniversary of Doradca
- 04.07.2014 - First place of Doradca in a WBJ 2014-2015 ranking
- 20.12.2013 - Qualification standards project successfully finalised
- 26.04.2013 - E-I Consulting Group research on strategic trends in 2013
- 30.09.2010 - Doradca - 25 years on the market
- 24.04.2010 - Privatisation of ZCB Markowicze finalised
- 15.12.2009 - Support for health care units - Doradca success